The Allergy Sufferer’s Dilemma: Real or Myth?
For those who suffer with allergies, the holiday season can be a time of sneezing and sniffling. No, they are not dealing with the common cold. They are dealing with the issues that surround a real tree. Many people who have allergies and asthma often report that having a real tree in their home can make their symptoms much worse. The good news is that they do not have to suffer anymore! They can opt for a prelit Christmas tree and find that their allergies are not going to be an issue with these trees.
For those who do have allergies/asthma, here are a few other tips for making sure that your prelit Christmas tree is never the issue!
- Avoid trying to get the real Christmas tree scent in your home. It is often the evergreen scent that causes the symptoms to appear. This means avoid using those room sprays, candles and the like that are meant to smell like a real tree that has recently been cut.
- When storing this, use an airtight Christmas tree bag so that dust cannot settle onto the tree. Dust is a huge allergen for many people and doing whatever you can do to avoid this is what you need to do!
- If you do need to dust your tree use a feather duster that does not have any product on it to avoid the smells that could trigger an allergy attack.
The Magical Solution: Prelit Christmas Trees
A prelit Christmas tree has several advantages to it other than helping to avoid allergies. For example:
- It helps to make decorating ten times easier since you do not have to worry about stringing lights onto the tree.
- You will find it easier to take this tree and put it away compared to having to take off tons of lights since these are designed to be put away with the lights on the tree.
- Many people find these trees to be even prettier as the lights are designed to fit that size of tree meaning that it will give that Christmas glow that everyone wants!
With the holidays here, be certain that you are going to love your decor, specifically your tree, without having to worry about the allergies that you and your family suffer with. There is no reason to suffer with allergies from a real tree when there are tons of alternatives that are going to make it possible to still have a beautiful tree.