Are you planning to buy a prelit Christmas tree this year? Then you are probably debating between the traditionally green or the all-white one. You could be a traditional or a non-traditional decorator. Or perhaps you are a combination of both and thus can’t select one out of the two choices.
If you are wondering if an all-white tree is a good option this Christmas, then here are some pointers to help you decide.
1. Décor Theme
For us, the décor theme has a major impact on the choice of prelit tree. You see, most of us own a plethora of green, red and white ornaments and Christmas décor items. We have had these since years and there is no way we will ever replace these for generations to come.
So what tree would go best then with our existing décor material? In our opinion, a completely red collection would look equally beautiful on a white and a green tree. If you’ve always showed off your red Christmas ornaments on a green tree, perhaps displaying them on an all-white prelit tree might be a fabulous transformation.
Similarly, a completely green décor theme would look well enough on a white pre-lit tree too. But what if you have silver, white or even muted-colored ornaments collection? We don’t think a white tree would truly flatter those. Sticking to the traditional green would be the best.
2. Your Audience
The one thing you can’t expect is having the tree all to yourself during the season. You will surely have tons of family, friends and guests visiting throughout and basking in the glow of the tree. Will they appreciate a white tree instead of a green?
If you think your guests are as versatile as you, then get an all-white tree by all means. It does look magical when lit but remember you’ll be seeing the same white tree for years till it lasts every season. Would that suit you as well?
If all these considerations weigh in favor of white, then you know what you must purchase.
3. The Room’s Color Palette
The next very essential consideration is the color palette of the room where you will be placing your prelit tree. Does the room have stark white walls and a neutral color palette for the furniture? If so, then a white tree will fall absolutely flat in these surroundings.
On the hand, do you multiple color themes going on in your room? If you have an upbeat and a colorful palette already, then an all-white tree seems the wisest choice. It will balance out the entire look at Christmas and not turn tree into an eyesore if it clashes with the rest of the colors in your room.
4. More than One Tree
Many of us fail to feel satisfied with just one Christmas tree in the entire house. If you are habitual of putting up at least five trees around your house, then we would strongly encourage you to get a white tree.
Because you have so many themes to pull off already, surely an all-white prelit tree will offer versatility. You could specifically place it in a room or spot where there are tons of other color themes at play already.