How to Light Your Own Christmas Tree: A DIY Guide
There are quite a number of Christmas tree lightings you can try out on your own. These DIY (do it yourself) lighting projects are very easy. You can even involve your kids in the exercise when you do them.
Using your Christmas tree lighting to beautify your environs is a very great idea. It brings down the true spirit when it is done by you and not by some experts. These projects will come out as very simple results but they will be as charming as any other project will be. They will definitely help you add that definitive festive flair and bright touch to your homes this season.
Magical Mason Jars
With a few mason jars and some adhesives, a craft knife or any other cutting tool you wish to use and then finally, candles, you can pull this off. Take off the paper backing, attach your design to the jar, at the front is best. Light a candle and there you go!
Oversize Ornaments
You can also make use of oversized ornaments for a DIY lighting project. All you need is a globe light, an empty tuna can, and a screw eye. Take away the label and apply color on it, any of your choices before you then drill small holes through it, fix in the screw eye and light before you top it all up with the can.
Twinkling Trees
This project will reveal a perfect sight when completed. You only need to pick out tree trunks and wrap them each with very shiny LED lights.
A Caged Tomato Tree
This is rather unbelievably simple and also very affordable. This DIY only requires tomato cages and few strands of LED lights that are best for outdoors.
These are a few of so many DIYs you can try out this season of Christmas.